Greenpeace has been attacking Apple for its environmental record with its Green my Apple campaign, and its analysis of the iPhone suggests the company still hasn't cleaned up its act.
Greenpeace says its analysis "revealed that the iPhone contains toxic brominated compounds (indicating the prescence of brominated flame retardants (BFRs)) and hazardous PVC. The findings are detailed in the report, Missed call: the iPhone's hazardous chemicals" (PDF).
Greenpeace adds:
Dr David Santillo, Senior Scientist at the Greenpeace Research Laboratories, commented, "Two of the phthalate plasticisers found at high levels in the headphone cable are classified in Europe as 'toxic to reproduction, category 2' because of their long-recognised ability to interfere with sexual development in mammals. While they are not prohibited in mobile phones, these phthalates are banned from use in all toys or childcare articles sold in Europe. Apple should eliminate the use of these chemicals from its products range."
Other criticisms include the iPhone battery being glued in place, which "makes separation for recycling, or appropriate disposal, more difficult," and Apple's failure to have a global take-back policy like Nokia and Sony Ericsson.
Nokia is top of Greenpeace's green list while Apple is close to bottom.
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