24 Ekim 2007 Çarşamba

Family-friendly Xbox goes on sale

Microsoft has released a new Xbox 360 console - dubbed The Arcade - which is aimed squarely at the family market.
The reworked, low-end version of the console will have a price tag of £199.99 and will go on sale in the UK from Friday 26 October.
The move will be seen as an attempt to close the gap on Nintendo's Wii console which has been a big hit with families.
Microsoft is also releasing two games aimed at younger players, including one based on the Shrek movies.
Parental control
"As families gather together this Christmas, it's the perfect time to launch a family orientated Xbox 360 package that plays games, video and music," said Stephen McGill, head of gaming and entertainment for Microsoft UK.
The console will come bundled with five games, which were previously only available from its Xbox Live online service.
It will also feature family settings to allow parents to control what their children watch and play, he added.
The Arcade replaces the Core model of the console which had the same price tag but was not bundled with games.
It does not have the hard drive found on more expensive Xbox models but will have a memory card for saving progress in games.
Industry watchers will see the move as an attempt to gain ground on Nintendo.

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